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What We Believe

The 2024 Bent Tree Church Confession of Faith and Practice

There are four sections that make up The 2024 Bent Tree Church Confession of Faith and Practice.

Click on each section to see the full version of each document:

Below is a summary of The 2024 Bent Tree Church Confession of Faith and Practice.

This concise overview provides insight into the doctrinal beliefs upheld and taught by Bent Tree Church.

The Bible (The Holy Scriptures)

We believe that Almighty God has revealed all that is necessary to life and salvation in the sixty-six books of Holy Scripture, which are the Word of God. The Scriptures of both the Old and New Testaments, being God-breathed, are infallible and inerrant in all their parts and are, therefore, trustworthy in all that they affirm concerning history, science, doctrine, ethics, religious practice, or any other topic. The authority of the Bible is derived from its Author and not from the opinions of men. While we believe in the ongoing power and ministry of the Holy Spirit in regenerating, equipping, illuminating, leading, and teaching God’s people, we also believe in the final authority and sufficiency of the Bible over all areas of faith and practice. 

God and the Holy Trinity

We believe in the one true and living God, in three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who is invisible, personal, omnipresent, eternal, dependent on none, unchanging, truthful, trustworthy, almighty, sovereign, omniscient, righteous, holy, good, loving, merciful, long-suffering and gracious.


We believe that God made our first father Adam perfect, holy and upright. He was appointed representative and head of the human race thereby exposing all his offspring to the effects of his obedience or disobedience to God’s commands.



In the beginning God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was pleased to create or make the world and all things in it, both visible and invisible, in a six-day period, and all very good. He did this to manifest the glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness. After God had made all the other creatures, he created humanity. He made them male and female, with rational and immortal souls, thereby making them suited to that life lived unto God for which they were created. They were made in the image of God, being endowed with knowledge, righteousness, and true holiness. They had the law of God written in their hearts and the power to fulfill it. Even so, they could still transgress the law, because they were left to the liberty of their own will, which was subject to change.



We believe that Adam fell from his original righteousness into sin and brought upon himself and all his offspring death, condemnation and slavery to sin.


The Effects of Sin on Mankind

We believe it to be utterly beyond the power of fallen man to love God, to keep His laws, to understand the Gospel, to repent of sin or trust in Christ.


The Elect

We believe that God, before the foundation of the world, and for his own glory, elected a great host of men and women to eternal life as an act of free and sovereign grace. This election was in no way dependent upon his foresight of human faith, decision, works or merit.


We believe that God sent his Son into the world, conceived of the virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit, unchangeably sinless, both God and man, born under the Law, to live a perfect life of righteousness, on behalf of his elect people.


Redemption and Atonement

We believe that God’s Son died at Calvary as a sacrifice to satisfy the wrath of God and bring about reconciliation, redemption and atonement for his elect people. God testified to the acceptance of his Son’s work by raising him from the dead.


Jesus Rules Over All Things

We believe that God’s Son ascended to the right hand of his Father and is enthroned in glory, where he intercedes on behalf of his people and rules over all things for their sake.


The Work of the Holy Spirit

We believe that God the Son has poured out the Holy Spirit to work alongside the preached word. The Spirit of God regenerates the elect sinner and draws him irresistibly to repentance towards God and faith in Christ the Savior.


Righteousness is Received by Faith Alone

We believe the elect, who are called by grace, are justified in the sight of God on account of the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ alone. This righteousness is received by faith alone.


Perseverance of the Saints

We believe that all who are regenerated, called and justified shall persevere in holiness and never finally fall away.


Moral Law and The 10 Commandments

We believe that the moral law of God is summarized in the Ten Commandments and that all the Ten Commandments continue today to be the standard of righteousness which every child of God ought to love and obey.

The Local Church

We believe all believers are duty-bound to join a local church as a member whenever possible bringing themselves under church government and discipline. We also believe that baptism and the Lord’s Supper are gospel ordinances belonging only to regenerated believers and are to be practiced in the context of such local churches.


Elders and Pastors

We believe that the Scriptures teach that only men - biblically qualified men - are to hold the office Christ has given to the Church, that being an elder and pastor.


The Authority of Christ Alone in the Local Church

We believe that the local church is under the authority of Christ alone. The communion of saints, however, requires recognition of, accountability to, and fellowship with other churches.


The Return of Christ

We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ shall come again to raise the dead, both righteous and unrighteous, and that the righteous shall enjoy everlasting life and the wicked shall endure everlasting punishment.


Last Things

God, in His own time and in His own way, will bring the world to its appropriate end. According to His promise, Jesus Christ will return personally and visibly in glory to the earth; the dead will be raised; and Christ will judge all men in righteousness. The unrighteous will be consigned to Hell, the place of everlasting punishment. The righteous in their resurrected and glorified bodies will receive their reward and will dwell forever in Heaven with the Lord.


Making Disciples

It is the duty and privilege of every follower of Christ and of every church of the Lord Jesus Christ to endeavor to make disciples of all nations. The new birth of man’s spirit by God’s Holy Spirit means the birth of love for others. Missionary effort on the part of all rests thus upon a spiritual necessity of the regenerate life, and is expressly and repeatedly commanded in the teachings of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ has commanded the preaching of the gospel to all nations. It is the duty of every child of God to seek constantly to win the lost to Christ by verbal witness undergirded by a Christian lifestyle, and by other methods in harmony with the gospel of Christ.

The Gift of Children

Children, from the moment of conception, are a blessing and heritage from the Lord. Parents are to demonstrate to their children God’s pattern for marriage. Parents are to teach their children spiritual and moral values and to lead them, through consistent lifestyle example and loving discipline, to make choices based on biblical truth. Children are to honor and obey their parents.



Because we believe that all human beings are image-bearers of God, it affirms the unique value of all human life. Mindful of the sixth commandment—”You shall not murder”—we condemn the destruction of any human being at any stage of its development from the point of conception to the point of death.



Baptism, an ordinance of the New Testament established by Jesus Christ, signifies fellowship with him through his death and resurrection, integration into his being, forgiveness of sins, and a commitment to live a new life under God through Jesus. Only those who personally express contrition to God and demonstrate faith and obedience to Jesus are suitable candidates for this rite. The physical element involved in this ceremony is water, and the individual is baptized invoking the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The act of immersing or submerging the person in water is essential for the correct administration of this ordinance.


The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper, instituted by Jesus on the night he was betrayed, is a constant remembrance and demonstration of his self-sacrifice in death. It serves as a reaffirmation of believers’ faith in the benefits of Christ’s death, fostering their spiritual nourishment and growth in him while also encouraging commitment to their obligations towards him. The Supper symbolizes their unity with Christ and each other. It doesn’t entail any real sacrifice for sin redemption but is merely a commemoration of the singular self-offering made by Christ on the cross. It also constitutes a profound spiritual tribute to God for this sacrifice.


Sex, Sexuality and Sexual Identity

We affirm God’s design for the two sexes – male and female – and believe that each is a glorious gift from God. Our sexuality is meant to be offered back to Him. For some, this means joining in a one-man, one-woman marriage – for procreation, union, and mutual delight. For others, this means celibacy which allows for undivided devotion to Christ. Sexual expression is designed for a marital relationship. Homosexual lust and behavior are among the sexual sins that are outside God’s created intent and desire for us. We are deeply concerned about the hearts and souls of those who identify themselves with various labels, such as gay, lesbian, and transgender, among others. We want those men and women to know that God loves them with an everlasting love. Through salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit, God can empower them to live according to His design and standards for sexuality. He offers the grace to accept their true identity – not as gay, lesbian, or transgender– but as His sons and daughters, embracing their biological reality as male or female.


The Role of Men and Women in the Church

Bent Tree Church desires to be a place that embodies a beautiful complementarian vision of ministry so that both sexes, young and old, will flourish. We believe in the God-given roles of men and women in the church called complementarianism. Men and women are absolutely equal in essence, dignity, and value. At the same time, they are complementary by divine design. Men and women correspond to one another. We believe that, in every sphere of life, male and female image-bearers flourish in partnership. Where complementarity is lacking or absent, both genders suffer. The beauty of complementarity is seen in a robust congregational life. We believe that Scripture intends for both men and women to be equally involved and engaged in ministry and society. Being equally involved in ministry does not entail being interchangeably involved. We believe the Bible reserves the office of elder/pastor specifically for qualified men. By overseeing the ministries and teaching of the local church, and by caring and praying for its members, elders practice sacrificial male headship. Apart from the role of pastor/elder, we believe the Bible explicitly encourages and assumes that women will be involved in the ministry of the church.

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